Towards evidence-based medicine for paediatricians

Some of you reading this will have an iPhone 12 Pro. Some may have a Nokia 7320. Others may stare at these words and think ‘What is an eye phone?’

Technologies are said to follow sigmoid curves, with early adopters picking up tech and leaping months or years ahead of everyone else, delighting (they will say) in the new great thing for longer than the laggards have. They also—us stick-in-the-muds know—suffer the bugs and breaches and failures, and head off down ultimately wrong roads, like the C5.

This same, emotional, intellectual, risk-and-reward thinking can be seen in how we work in paediatrics. Some doctors will always be wanting to try out the new stuff, as soon as the trial emerges, or maybe even when the press release hits Twitter. Others will wait for the medicine to have been appraised by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, reviewed...

from Archives of Disease in Childhood current issue


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