Modern childhood slavery

What do you know about modern slavery and exploitation in childhood? As paediatricians we are all aware of our safeguarding and advocacy role. Recognising a child in such a position may be very hard. Archivist found this article by Laura Wood to be very helpful in describing the issues and delivers a very practical review of the definitions and factors contributing to children’s vulnerability (BMJ Paediatrics Open 2020;4:e000327). The author has highlighted her key messages; child modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT) is a global public health concern with profound risks to life-course health and development. It can have an impact on children from all ages, genders, homes, backgrounds and socioeconomic status. Breakdown of social protective barriers (including migration), significant relational dysfunction or loss (including child abuse, removal from family) and economic stress can increase vulnerability to MSHT. Most importantly child MSHT victims are presenting in healthcare settings yet...

from Archives of Disease in Childhood current issue


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