Please use professional interpreters for children and families with limited English proficiency

It is very tempting to use family members as an interpreter when faced with a family that does not speak English. It is sometimes felt inconvenient to wait for an interpreter or having to use a phone interpretation service so attempts are made to communicate with the family. The Archivist feels that this is not acceptable and family members should not be used to discuss sensitive medical issues. Proper informed discussion is required and spending time to make sure you have an interpreter available is essential, even in an emergency. Brophy-Williams S et al (J Paediatr Child Health 2020;56:1201–1209) have highlighted how common this problem is. They have reviewed the hospital-wide use of interpreters for low English proficiency in a tertiary hospital examining emergency (ED), outpatient and inpatient presentations. They addressed two cohorts of families with low English proficiency presenting to Princess Margaret Hospital in Western Australia; new Refugee...

from Archives of Disease in Childhood current issue


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