Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) analogues and weight loss

Managing obesity in children and young adults continues to be a major challenge. It requires a large multi disciplinary team at the patient and family level and major public health and political drivers at another. There is a compendium of drugs that have been studied as potential enhancers of weight loss. The Archivist has never really been impressed by the quick fix concept of a tablet for weight loss. It is clear that weight loss is a complex process involving physical, psychosocial and behavioural aspects. Bariatric surgery seems to have the most compelling results but this is only currently recommended after other approaches have failed. There are at least 15 drugs types that have been studied as potential weight loss adjuvants. Frelut M-L et al. [] have a clear description of the different classes. Most of the studies have been completed in adults with obesity. Liraglutide is...

from Archives of Disease in Childhood current issue


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