Cognitive Processes

Cognitive Processes
Participation in social world plays a great role in our social, emotional, and cognitive development. Social environment helps to develop emotional and cognitive behavior in a good manner. A new born child adopts many things from his parents and tries to copy them. Role of a family is very important in development of the personality of any person. A good and healthy environment provides a platform for a better growth and development.
 A new born child learns many things from his mother because they spend most of the time together. A baby learns how to eat, speak, and how to wear from his mother. Kids acquire social skills in every day interaction at home (Marano).
 At the school going age a child finds his new family in the form of teachers and class mates. This new environment gives the child an opportunity to learn and get lessons of life from the teachers and increase social circle by making friends. Friends also gives good and bad lessons and this social circle goes on.
 In adolescence a person develops his cognitive and emotional aspects. His brain gets developed during adolescence and if an individual found a good social circle than his mind starts developing in a positive manner and if it gets bad environment, the mind starts developing in negative way. Same is with the emotional behavior, if a person gets an open and confidential environment than he will be able to improve the ability to express emotions but if environment is unsuitable a person fails to develop his habit of expressing thoughts and feelings.
 The environmental and biological changes at adolescence leads to new social encounters and interests in other peoples. The importance of evaluating other peoples may be associated with an increased attention to social stimuli and the processing of emotional information. Recognition of facial expression is one area of social cognition that has been investigated during adolescence (Herba and Phillips).
 Man is called a social animal. People with different personality traits come together to form a social life. They use their adaptive and cognitive behavior to resolve their different problems and issues. With positive mind our relationship runs in a good manner with other people. Being a social person we discuss our problems with our group fellows and tries to find the solutions.
Most of human history was spent in small groups in which each was dependent on the others for survival, and evidence suggests that it was the condition to which humans are best adopted. When people lives in a group they provide security and protection to each other, and if someone gets into trouble other people tries to support.
In Maladaptive behavior people tries to avoid other people and escape from the issues instead of facing them. This happens to me sometimes and I try to adopt maladaptive behavior. I also avoid other people when I am in difficulty, and in such situations I escape from them. The reason maybe I feel shyness or embarrassment while facing others.
 A society in which people help each other is better equipped than a set of individuals to deal with the external threats. People always realize that there is a strength in majority and in numbers and they prefer the company of others instead of sitting alone.
One of the disadvantage of being a social person is susceptible to the spread of diseases that can quickly spread through the group. Being social people may have to compete with one another for food or space or sometimes they fight with each other to get better space, shelter, and food.  

Adult memory is not categorized ideally to store childhood experiences, therefore, it is difficult to recall those memories. However, adult people remember those incidents which are done or seen by them consciously (Schachtel).
A writer wrote about his experiences and developments, how he was born and how he developed his emotions and cognitive behavior. He has sympathies with others and wants to help out other individuals. The writer also avoids today’s modern life and wants to live in a simple manners (Mumford)
Human cognition is motivated. There are two types of motivation, one motivation is intrinsically and other is extrinsically. In intrinsically someone performs an action because he enjoys, and likes it when he performs such action. This will increase the motivational level of a person, resultantly the cognition motivation increases now and a person wants to do more and more good actions to get internal relaxation.
While in extrinsically someone gets motivated because of external rewards like money, fame, and grades. For example if a person gets good grades in exam than a reward in the form of trophy or may be in form of money is waiting. It will increase the motivation level and as a result this will develop the cognation behavior in a good manner. If a person is motivated through this reward than next time he will get more good grades.
Human cognition is flexibly focused which means that we have ability to adopt changes from one moment to another moment. If we are living in one environment we have different things but if we change our environment than we need to change our habits in order to survive, otherwise we will finished or not able to survive.
In “Wild child” movie a child living a wild life, but when he changed his environment and started living with peoples instead of animals, he just found difficult to survive with human. Later on when he tried to change his habits and attitudes to adjust himself in human society he found it easy to live with them because he accepted that change.
Human cognition is structured, we can’t live in chaos, we need to adopt a specific pattern, and we need to follow a time table. This is the reason why years, months and time are made so that we can work in a proper manner. It is the rule of the world that nothing exists in chaos, there is always a proper schedule of everything. There is always a structure in our mind for everything; we go through according to this structure and planning.
As Dr. Strangelove learnt how to stop worrying and start loving with bomb, this is the story of a person who involved in a nuclear attack. This is the story of a movie, in which he performed everything with a proper structure and planning.
Human cognition is layered as articulate vs. inarticulate, and conscious vs. unconscious, civilization and its discontents, pleasure vs. reality principle, what we need.
This entire means that our cognition ability describes about conscious and unconscious conditions and also about what is articulate and what is inarticulate. It means that our cognition is in shape of layers where everything is described, whether it is conscious or unconscious.
Human cognition is effectively tinged, this means that our emotions, our feelings effect our cognitive ability, how we behave, and how we think. This is directly related to our emotions and feelings. If we are happy than we behave with other persons in good manners.
In Pawnbroker movie “Nazerman” who lost his everything during world war wants to do good for others in this selfish world, because he passed through a bad phase of life so he has the idea of difficulties of others.
Human cognition is self-reflected: this feature separate us from other species that called this planet their home. Humans are superior to others, because they think, judge, and can do better for themselves, and can make decisions.
Human cognition is social; from our birth to our death we learn different things from our parents and others. When we interact with other people, we learn new things. We transform our ideas by sharing with others; we also gain experiences while interacting with others. Man transforms in a society through different stages, like social, emotional and cognitive, in early age he develop his mind, when he interact with other people than actually he is making a society, and transforming himself with in a society. His emotions also reflect over society (Asch).
In “Wild Child” movie the child lived with animals so he behaved like an animal and this became his habit, but when he starts living with people he started adopting their abilities like speaking, thinking, how to eat, how to wear etc.

Asch, Solomon E. "The Transformation of Man in Society."  (1952). Print.
Herba, Catherine, and Mary Phillips. "Annotation: Development of Facial Expression Recognition from Childhood to Adolescence: Behavioural and Neurological Perspectives." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 45.7 (2004): 1185-98. Print.
Marano, Hara Estroff. "A Nation of Wimps." Psychology Today 37.6 (2004): 58-70. Print.
Mumford, Lewis. "Reflections: Prologue to Our Time." The New Yorker (March 10, 1975): 42-46. Print.
Schachtel, Ernest G. "On Memory and Childhood Amnesia." Psychiatry 10.1 (1947): 1-26. Print.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. The movie. Dir.  
            Stanley Kubrick. 1964


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